源码分析:Cilium Network Policy实现
// daemon/cmd/daemon_main.go
var (
log = logging.DefaultLogger.WithField(logfields.LogSubsys, daemonSubsys)
bootstrapTimestamp = time.Now()
// RootCmd represents the base command when called without any subcommands
RootCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "cilium-agent",
Short: "Run the cilium agent",
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
cmdRefDir := viper.GetString(option.CMDRef)
if cmdRefDir != "" {
genMarkdown(cmd, cmdRefDir)
// Open socket for using gops to get stacktraces of the agent.
addr := fmt.Sprintf("", viper.GetInt(option.GopsPort))
addrField := logrus.Fields{"address": addr}
if err := gops.Listen(gops.Options{
Addr: addr,
ReuseSocketAddrAndPort: true,
}); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).WithFields(addrField).Fatal("Cannot start gops server")
log.WithFields(addrField).Info("Started gops server")
bootstrapStats = bootstrapStatistics{}
func runDaemon() {
datapathConfig := linuxdatapath.DatapathConfiguration{
HostDevice: option.Config.HostDevice,
log.Info("Initializing daemon")
option.Config.RunMonitorAgent = true
if err := enableIPForwarding(); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Fatal("Error when enabling sysctl parameters")
iptablesManager := &iptables.IptablesManager{}
var wgAgent *wireguard.Agent
if option.Config.EnableWireguard {
switch {
case option.Config.EnableIPSec:
log.Fatalf("Wireguard (--%s) cannot be used with IPSec (--%s)",
option.EnableWireguard, option.EnableIPSecName)
case option.Config.EnableL7Proxy:
log.Fatalf("Wireguard (--%s) is not compatible with L7 proxy (--%s)",
option.EnableWireguard, option.EnableL7Proxy)
var err error
privateKeyPath := filepath.Join(option.Config.StateDir, wireguardTypes.PrivKeyFilename)
wgAgent, err = wireguard.NewAgent(privateKeyPath)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Fatal("Failed to initialize wireguard")
cleaner.cleanupFuncs.Add(func() {
_ = wgAgent.Close()
} else {
// Delete wireguard device from previous run (if such exists)
if k8s.IsEnabled() {
if err := k8s.Init(option.Config); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Fatal("Unable to initialize Kubernetes subsystem")
// 实例化daemon
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(server.ServerCtx)
d, restoredEndpoints, err := NewDaemon(ctx, cancel,
WithDefaultEndpointManager(ctx, endpoint.CheckHealth),
linuxdatapath.NewDatapath(datapathConfig, iptablesManager, wgAgent))
if err != nil {
select {
case <-server.ServerCtx.Done():
log.WithError(err).Debug("Error while creating daemon")
log.WithError(err).Fatal("Error while creating daemon")
// This validation needs to be done outside of the agent until
// datapath.NodeAddressing is used consistently across the code base.
log.Info("Validating configured node address ranges")
if err := node.ValidatePostInit(); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Fatal("postinit failed")
log.Info("Starting connection tracking garbage collector")
gc.Enable(option.Config.EnableIPv4, option.Config.EnableIPv6,
restoredEndpoints.restored, d.endpointManager)
if k8s.IsEnabled() {
// Wait only for certain caches, but not all!
// (Check Daemon.InitK8sSubsystem() for more info)
restoreComplete := d.initRestore(restoredEndpoints)
if wgAgent != nil {
if err := wgAgent.RestoreFinished(); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("Failed to set up wireguard peers")
if d.endpointManager.HostEndpointExists() {
} else {
log.Info("Creating host endpoint")
if err := d.endpointManager.AddHostEndpoint(
d.ctx, d, d, d.l7Proxy, d.identityAllocator,
"Create host endpoint", nodeTypes.GetName(),
); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Fatal("Unable to create host endpoint")
if option.Config.EnableIPMasqAgent {
ipmasqAgent, err := ipmasq.NewIPMasqAgent(option.Config.IPMasqAgentConfigPath)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Fatal("Failed to create ip-masq-agent")
if !option.Config.DryMode {
go func() {
if restoreComplete != nil {
ms := maps.NewMapSweeper(&EndpointMapManager{
EndpointManager: d.endpointManager,
if len(d.restoredCIDRs) > 0 {
// Release restored CIDR identities after a grace period (default 10
// minutes). Any identities actually in use will still exist after
// this.
// This grace period is needed when running on an external workload
// where policy synchronization is not done via k8s. Also in k8s
// case it is prudent to allow concurrent endpoint regenerations to
// (re-)allocate the restored identities before we release them.
log.Debugf("Releasing reference counts for %d restored CIDR identities", len(d.restoredCIDRs))
// release the memory held by restored CIDRs
d.restoredCIDRs = nil
defer d.endpointManager.Unsubscribe(d)
// Migrating the ENI datapath must happen before the API is served to
// prevent endpoints from being created. It also must be before the health
// initialization logic which creates the health endpoint, for the same
// reasons as the API being served. We want to ensure that this migration
// logic runs before any endpoint creates.
if option.Config.IPAM == ipamOption.IPAMENI {
migrated, failed := linuxrouting.NewMigrator(
switch {
case failed == -1:
// No need to handle this case specifically because it is handled
// in the call already.
case migrated >= 0 && failed > 0:
log.Errorf("Failed to migrate ENI datapath. "+
"%d endpoints were successfully migrated and %d failed to migrate completely. "+
"The original datapath is still in-place, however it is recommended to retry the migration.",
migrated, failed)
case migrated >= 0 && failed == 0:
log.Infof("Migration of ENI datapath successful, %d endpoints were migrated and none failed.",
if option.Config.EnableHealthChecking {
metricsErrs := initMetrics()
if option.Config.KubeProxyReplacementHealthzBindAddr != "" {
if option.Config.KubeProxyReplacement != option.KubeProxyReplacementDisabled {
d.startKubeProxyHealthzHTTPService(fmt.Sprintf("%s", option.Config.KubeProxyReplacementHealthzBindAddr))
srv := server.NewServer(d.instantiateAPI())
srv.EnabledListeners = []string{"unix"}
srv.SocketPath = option.Config.SocketPath
srv.ReadTimeout = apiTimeout
srv.WriteTimeout = apiTimeout
defer srv.Shutdown()
err = d.SendNotification(monitorAPI.StartMessage(time.Now()))
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Warn("Failed to send agent start monitor message")
if !d.datapath.Node().NodeNeighDiscoveryEnabled() {
// Remove all non-GC'ed neighbor entries that might have previously set
// by a Cilium instance.
} else {
// If we came from an agent upgrade, migrate entries.
// Start periodical refresh of the neighbor table from the agent if needed.
if option.Config.ARPPingRefreshPeriod != 0 && !option.Config.ARPPingKernelManaged {
log.WithField("bootstrapTime", time.Since(bootstrapTimestamp)).
Info("Daemon initialization completed")
if option.Config.WriteCNIConfigurationWhenReady != "" {
input, err := os.ReadFile(option.Config.ReadCNIConfiguration)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Fatal("Unable to read CNI configuration file")
if err = os.WriteFile(option.Config.WriteCNIConfigurationWhenReady, input, 0644); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Fatalf("Unable to write CNI configuration file to %s", option.Config.WriteCNIConfigurationWhenReady)
} else {
log.Infof("Wrote CNI configuration file to %s", option.Config.WriteCNIConfigurationWhenReady)
errs := make(chan error, 1)
go func() {
errs <- srv.Serve()
go d.launchHubble()
err = option.Config.StoreInFile(option.Config.StateDir)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("Unable to store Cilium's configuration")
err = option.StoreViperInFile(option.Config.StateDir)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("Unable to store Viper's configuration")
select {
case err := <-metricsErrs:
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Fatal("Cannot start metrics server")
case err := <-errs:
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Fatal("Error returned from non-returning Serve() call")
// daemon/cmd/daemon.go
func NewDaemon(ctx context.Context, cancel context.CancelFunc, epMgr *endpointmanager.EndpointManager, dp datapath.Datapath) (*Daemon, *endpointRestoreState, error) {
d := Daemon{
ctx: ctx,
cancel: cancel,
prefixLengths: createPrefixLengthCounter(),
buildEndpointSem: semaphore.NewWeighted(int64(numWorkerThreads())),
compilationMutex: new(lock.RWMutex),
netConf: netConf,
mtuConfig: mtuConfig,
datapath: dp,
deviceManager: NewDeviceManager(),
nodeDiscovery: nd,
endpointCreations: newEndpointCreationManager(),
apiLimiterSet: apiLimiterSet,
d.identityAllocator = NewCachingIdentityAllocator(&d)
// 初始化daemon核心组件policy
if err := d.initPolicy(epMgr); err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("error while initializing policy subsystem: %w", err)
nodeMngr = nodeMngr.WithSelectorCacheUpdater(d.policy.GetSelectorCache()) // must be after initPolicy
nodeMngr = nodeMngr.WithPolicyTriggerer(d.policyUpdater)
d.k8sWatcher = watchers.NewK8sWatcher(
if k8s.IsEnabled() {
// Errors are handled inside WaitForCRDsToRegister. It will fatal on a
// context deadline or if the context has been cancelled, the context's
// error will be returned. Otherwise, it succeeded.
if err := d.k8sWatcher.WaitForCRDsToRegister(d.ctx); err != nil {
return nil, restoredEndpoints, err
// Launch the K8s node watcher so we can start receiving node events.
// Launching the k8s node watcher at this stage will prevent all agents
// from performing Gets directly into kube-apiserver to get the most up
// to date version of the k8s node. This allows for better scalability
// in large clusters.
if option.Config.IPAM == ipamOption.IPAMClusterPool {
// Create the CiliumNode custom resource. This call will block until
// the custom resource has been created
if err := k8s.WaitForNodeInformation(d.ctx, d.k8sWatcher); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("unable to connect to get node spec from apiserver")
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to connect to get node spec from apiserver: %w", err)
// Kubernetes demands that the localhost can always reach local
// pods. Therefore unless the AllowLocalhost policy is set to a
// specific mode, always allow localhost to reach local
// endpoints.
if option.Config.AllowLocalhost == option.AllowLocalhostAuto {
option.Config.AllowLocalhost = option.AllowLocalhostAlways
log.Info("k8s mode: Allowing localhost to reach local endpoints")
// 初始化k8s相关配置
if k8s.IsEnabled() {
// Initialize d.k8sCachesSynced before any k8s watchers are alive, as they may
// access it to check the status of k8s initialization
cachesSynced := make(chan struct{})
d.k8sCachesSynced = cachesSynced
// 初始换k8s相关核心资源以及cilium资源并开始watch资源修改
d.k8sWatcher.InitK8sSubsystem(d.ctx, cachesSynced)
// pkg/k8s/watchers/watcher.go
func (k *K8sWatcher) InitK8sSubsystem(ctx context.Context, cachesSynced chan struct{}) {
// 注册所有需要watch的资源
resources := k.resourceGroups()
// 启动informer去watch所有注册的资源
if err := k.EnableK8sWatcher(ctx, resources); err != nil {
if !errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) {
log.WithError(err).Fatal("Unable to start K8s watchers for Cilium")
// If the context was canceled it means the daemon is being stopped
func (k *K8sWatcher) EnableK8sWatcher(ctx context.Context, resources []string) error {
ciliumNPClient := k8s.CiliumClient()
asyncControllers := &sync.WaitGroup{}
serviceOptModifier, err := utils.GetServiceListOptionsModifier(k.cfg)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error creating service list option modifier: %w", err)
// 包含所有资源informer的创建和启动
for _, r := range resources {
switch r {
// Core Cilium
case K8sAPIGroupPodV1Core:
go k.podsInit(k8s.WatcherClient(), asyncControllers)
case k8sAPIGroupNodeV1Core:
case k8sAPIGroupNamespaceV1Core:
go k.namespacesInit(k8s.WatcherClient(), asyncControllers)
case k8sAPIGroupCiliumNodeV2:
go k.ciliumNodeInit(ciliumNPClient, asyncControllers)
// Kubernetes built-in resources
case k8sAPIGroupNetworkingV1Core:
swgKNP := lock.NewStoppableWaitGroup()
k.networkPoliciesInit(k8s.WatcherClient(), swgKNP)
case K8sAPIGroupServiceV1Core:
swgSvcs := lock.NewStoppableWaitGroup()
k.servicesInit(k8s.WatcherClient(), swgSvcs, serviceOptModifier)
case K8sAPIGroupEndpointSliceV1Beta1Discovery:
// no-op; handled in K8sAPIGroupEndpointV1Core.
case K8sAPIGroupEndpointSliceV1Discovery:
// no-op; handled in K8sAPIGroupEndpointV1Core.
case K8sAPIGroupEndpointV1Core:
k.initEndpointsOrSlices(k8s.WatcherClient(), serviceOptModifier)
// Custom resource definitions
// cilium network policy的informer
case k8sAPIGroupCiliumNetworkPolicyV2:
case k8sAPIGroupCiliumClusterwideNetworkPolicyV2:
case k8sAPIGroupCiliumEndpointV2:
k.initCiliumEndpointOrSlices(ciliumNPClient, asyncControllers)
case k8sAPIGroupCiliumEndpointSliceV2Alpha1:
// no-op; handled in k8sAPIGroupCiliumEndpointV2
case k8sAPIGroupCiliumLocalRedirectPolicyV2:
case k8sAPIGroupCiliumEgressNATPolicyV2:
logfields.Resource: r,
}).Fatal("Not listening for Kubernetes resource updates for unhandled type")
return nil
// pkg/k8s/watchers/cilium_network_policy.go
// cilium network policy资源的controller初始化和启动
func (k *K8sWatcher) ciliumNetworkPoliciesInit(ciliumNPClient *k8s.K8sCiliumClient) {
cnpStore := cache.NewStore(cache.DeletionHandlingMetaNamespaceKeyFunc)
ciliumV2Controller := informer.NewInformerWithStore(
cilium_v2.CNPPluralName, v1.NamespaceAll, fields.Everything()),
AddFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
var valid, equal bool
defer func() { k.K8sEventReceived(metricCNP, metricCreate, valid, equal) }()
if cnp := k8s.ObjToSlimCNP(obj); cnp != nil {
valid = true
if cnp.RequiresDerivative() {
// We need to deepcopy this structure because we are writing
// fields.
// See https://github.com/cilium/cilium/blob/27fee207f5422c95479422162e9ea0d2f2b6c770/pkg/policy/api/ingress.go#L112-L134
cnpCpy := cnp.DeepCopy()
// 处理cnp数据
err := k.addCiliumNetworkPolicyV2(ciliumNPClient, cnpCpy)
// 事件统计
k.K8sEventProcessed(metricCNP, metricCreate, err == nil)
UpdateFunc: func(oldObj, newObj interface{}) {
var valid, equal bool
defer func() { k.K8sEventReceived(metricCNP, metricUpdate, valid, equal) }()
if oldCNP := k8s.ObjToSlimCNP(oldObj); oldCNP != nil {
if newCNP := k8s.ObjToSlimCNP(newObj); newCNP != nil {
valid = true
if oldCNP.DeepEqual(newCNP) {
equal = true
if newCNP.RequiresDerivative() {
// We need to deepcopy this structure because we are writing
// fields.
// See https://github.com/cilium/cilium/blob/27fee207f5422c95479422162e9ea0d2f2b6c770/pkg/policy/api/ingress.go#L112-L134
oldCNPCpy := oldCNP.DeepCopy()
newCNPCpy := newCNP.DeepCopy()
err := k.updateCiliumNetworkPolicyV2(ciliumNPClient, oldCNPCpy, newCNPCpy)
k.K8sEventProcessed(metricCNP, metricUpdate, err == nil)
DeleteFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
var valid, equal bool
defer func() { k.K8sEventReceived(metricCNP, metricDelete, valid, equal) }()
cnp := k8s.ObjToSlimCNP(obj)
if cnp == nil {
valid = true
err := k.deleteCiliumNetworkPolicyV2(cnp)
k.K8sEventProcessed(metricCNP, metricDelete, err == nil)
k.blockWaitGroupToSyncResources(wait.NeverStop, nil, ciliumV2Controller.HasSynced, k8sAPIGroupCiliumNetworkPolicyV2)
go ciliumV2Controller.Run(wait.NeverStop)
// pkg/k8s/watchers/cilium_network_policy.go
func (k *K8sWatcher) addCiliumNetworkPolicyV2(ciliumNPClient clientset.Interface, cnp *types.SlimCNP) error {
// 解析cnp并返回api.Rules列表
var rev uint64
rules, policyImportErr := cnp.Parse()
if policyImportErr == nil {
policyImportErr = k8s.PreprocessRules(rules, &k.K8sSvcCache)
// Replace all rules with the same name, namespace and
// resourceTypeCiliumNetworkPolicy
if policyImportErr == nil {
// 添加rules到policy repository队列,用于分发给daemon
rev, policyImportErr = k.policyManager.PolicyAdd(rules, &policy.AddOptions{
ReplaceWithLabels: cnp.GetIdentityLabels(),
Source: metrics.LabelEventSourceK8s,
if policyImportErr != nil {
scopedLog.WithError(policyImportErr).Warn("Unable to add CiliumNetworkPolicy")
} else {
scopedLog.Info("Imported CiliumNetworkPolicy")
// Upsert to rule revision cache outside of controller, because upsertion
// *must* be synchronous so that if we get an update for the CNP, the cache
// is populated by the time updateCiliumNetworkPolicyV2 is invoked.
importMetadataCache.upsert(cnp, rev, policyImportErr)
if !option.Config.DisableCNPStatusUpdates {
updateContext := &k8s.CNPStatusUpdateContext{
CiliumNPClient: ciliumNPClient,
NodeName: nodeTypes.GetName(),
NodeManager: k.nodeDiscoverManager,
UpdateDuration: spanstat.Start(),
WaitForEndpointsAtPolicyRev: k.endpointManager.WaitForEndpointsAtPolicyRev,
ctrlName := cnp.GetControllerName()
DoFunc: func(ctx context.Context) error {
return updateContext.UpdateStatus(ctx, cnp, rev, policyImportErr)
return policyImportErr
// daemon/cmd/policy.go
// rules列表添加到policy repository的RepositoryChangeQueue队列
func (d *Daemon) PolicyAdd(rules policyAPI.Rules, opts *policy.AddOptions) (newRev uint64, err error) {
p := &PolicyAddEvent{
rules: rules,
opts: opts,
d: d,
polAddEvent := eventqueue.NewEvent(p)
// 入队改rules的事件对象
resChan, err := d.policy.RepositoryChangeQueue.Enqueue(polAddEvent)
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("enqueue of PolicyAddEvent failed: %s", err)
res, ok := <-resChan
if ok {
pRes := res.(*PolicyAddResult)
return pRes.newRev, pRes.err
return 0, fmt.Errorf("policy addition event was cancelled")
datapath loader初始化
// daemon/cmd/daemon_main.go
func runDaemon() {
d, restoredEndpoints, err := NewDaemon(ctx, cancel,
WithDefaultEndpointManager(ctx, endpoint.CheckHealth),
linuxdatapath.NewDatapath(datapathConfig, iptablesManager, wgAgent))
// pkg/datapath/linux/datapath.go
func NewDatapath(cfg DatapathConfiguration, ruleManager datapath.IptablesManager, wgAgent datapath.WireguardAgent) datapath.Datapath {
dp := &linuxDatapath{
ConfigWriter: &config.HeaderfileWriter{},
IptablesManager: ruleManager,
nodeAddressing: NewNodeAddressing(),
config: cfg,
loader: loader.NewLoader(canDisableDwarfRelocations),
wgAgent: wgAgent,
dp.node = NewNodeHandler(cfg, dp.nodeAddressing, wgAgent)
return dp
func (l *linuxDatapath) Loader() datapath.Loader {
return l.loader
// pkg/datapath/loader/base.go
func (l *Loader) Reinitialize(ctx context.Context, o datapath.BaseProgramOwner, deviceMTU int, iptMgr datapath.IptablesManager, p datapath.Proxy) error {
daemon组件policy repository初始化
// daemon/cmd/policy.go
func (d *Daemon) initPolicy(epMgr *endpointmanager.EndpointManager) error {
// Reuse policy.TriggerMetrics and PolicyTriggerInterval here since
// this is only triggered by agent configuration changes for now and
// should be counted in pol.TriggerMetrics.
rt, err := trigger.NewTrigger(trigger.Parameters{
Name: "datapath-regeneration",
MetricsObserver: &policy.TriggerMetrics{},
MinInterval: option.Config.PolicyTriggerInterval,
TriggerFunc: d.datapathRegen,
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create datapath regeneration trigger: %w", err)
d.datapathRegenTrigger = rt
// 初始换policy组件
d.policy = policy.NewPolicyRepository(d.identityAllocator,
certificatemanager.NewManager(option.Config.CertDirectory, k8s.Client()))
d.policyUpdater, err = policy.NewUpdater(d.policy, epMgr)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create policy update trigger: %w", err)
return nil
// daemon/cmd/policy.go
// 创建policy repository实例
func NewPolicyRepository(idAllocator cache.IdentityAllocator, idCache cache.IdentityCache, certManager CertificateManager) *Repository {
// 实例化repoChangeQueue、ruleReactionQueue队列并启动
repoChangeQueue := eventqueue.NewEventQueueBuffered("repository-change-queue", option.Config.PolicyQueueSize)
ruleReactionQueue := eventqueue.NewEventQueueBuffered("repository-reaction-queue", option.Config.PolicyQueueSize)
selectorCache := NewSelectorCache(idAllocator, idCache)
repo := &Repository{
revision: 1,
RepositoryChangeQueue: repoChangeQueue,
RuleReactionQueue: ruleReactionQueue,
selectorCache: selectorCache,
certManager: certManager,
repo.policyCache = NewPolicyCache(repo, true)
return repo
// pkg/eventqueue/eventqueue.go
// 队列启动
func (q *EventQueue) Run() {
if q.notSafeToAccess() {
go q.run()
func (q *EventQueue) run() {
q.eventQueueOnce.Do(func() {
defer close(q.eventsClosed)
for ev := range q.events {
select {
case <-q.drain:
// 消费队列数据
// Always indicate success for now.
// Ensures that no more results can be sent as the event has
// already been processed.
// 处理repoChangeQueue队列数据
func (p *PolicyAddEvent) Handle(res chan interface{}) {
p.d.policyAdd(p.rules, p.opts, res)
// rules规则最终通过该函数通知到所有locally endpoint managed
func (d *Daemon) policyAdd(sourceRules policyAPI.Rules, opts *policy.AddOptions, resChan chan interface{}) {
policyAddStartTime := time.Now()
logger := log.WithField("policyAddRequest", uuid.New().String())
if opts != nil && opts.Generated {
logger.WithField(logfields.CiliumNetworkPolicy, sourceRules.String()).Debug("Policy Add Request")
} else {
logger.WithField(logfields.CiliumNetworkPolicy, sourceRules.String()).Info("Policy Add Request")
// 解析rules里面各种CIDR,无差别加到slice里面返回
prefixes := policy.GetCIDRPrefixes(sourceRules)
logger.WithField("prefixes", prefixes).Debug("Policy imported via API, found CIDR prefixes...")
newPrefixLengths, err := d.prefixLengths.Add(prefixes)
if err != nil {
logger.WithError(err).WithField("prefixes", prefixes).Warn(
"Failed to reference-count prefix lengths in CIDR policy")
resChan <- &PolicyAddResult{
newRev: 0,
err: api.Error(PutPolicyFailureCode, err),
// 判断CIDR是否改变
if newPrefixLengths && !bpfIPCache.BackedByLPM() {
// 重新编译并初始化基础程序,具体实现参考datapath部分
if err := d.Datapath().Loader().Reinitialize(d.ctx, d, d.mtuConfig.GetDeviceMTU(), d.Datapath(), d.l7Proxy); err != nil {
_ = d.prefixLengths.Delete(prefixes)
err2 := fmt.Errorf("Unable to recompile base programs: %s", err)
logger.WithError(err2).WithField("prefixes", prefixes).Warn(
"Failed to recompile base programs due to prefix length count change")
resChan <- &PolicyAddResult{
newRev: 0,
err: api.Error(PutPolicyFailureCode, err),
// Any newly allocated identities MUST be upserted to the ipcache if no error is returned.
// With SelectiveRegeneration this is postponed to the rule reaction queue to be done
// after the affected endpoints have been regenerated, otherwise new identities are
// upserted to the ipcache before we return.
// Release of these identities will be tied to the corresponding policy
// in the policy.Repository and released upon policyDelete().
newlyAllocatedIdentities := make(map[string]*identity.Identity)
if _, err := ipcache.AllocateCIDRs(prefixes, nil, newlyAllocatedIdentities); err != nil {
_ = d.prefixLengths.Delete(prefixes)
logger.WithError(err).WithField("prefixes", prefixes).Warn(
"Failed to allocate identities for CIDRs during policy add")
resChan <- &PolicyAddResult{
newRev: 0,
err: err,
// No errors past this point!
// removedPrefixes tracks prefixes that we replace in the rules. It is used
// after we release the policy repository lock.
var removedPrefixes []*net.IPNet
// policySelectionWG is used to signal when the updating of all of the
// caches of endpoints in the rules which were added / updated have been
// updated.
var policySelectionWG sync.WaitGroup
// Get all endpoints at the time rules were added / updated so we can figure
// out which endpoints to regenerate / bump policy revision.
allEndpoints := d.endpointManager.GetPolicyEndpoints()
// Start with all endpoints to be in set for which we need to bump their
// revision.
endpointsToBumpRevision := policy.NewEndpointSet(allEndpoints)
endpointsToRegen := policy.NewEndpointSet(nil)
if opts != nil {
if opts.Replace {
for _, r := range sourceRules {
oldRules := d.policy.SearchRLocked(r.Labels)
removedPrefixes = append(removedPrefixes, policy.GetCIDRPrefixes(oldRules)...)
if len(oldRules) > 0 {
deletedRules, _, _ := d.policy.DeleteByLabelsLocked(r.Labels)
deletedRules.UpdateRulesEndpointsCaches(endpointsToBumpRevision, endpointsToRegen, &policySelectionWG)
if len(opts.ReplaceWithLabels) > 0 {
oldRules := d.policy.SearchRLocked(opts.ReplaceWithLabels)
removedPrefixes = append(removedPrefixes, policy.GetCIDRPrefixes(oldRules)...)
if len(oldRules) > 0 {
deletedRules, _, _ := d.policy.DeleteByLabelsLocked(opts.ReplaceWithLabels)
deletedRules.UpdateRulesEndpointsCaches(endpointsToBumpRevision, endpointsToRegen, &policySelectionWG)
addedRules, newRev := d.policy.AddListLocked(sourceRules)
// The information needed by the caller is available at this point, signal
// accordingly.
resChan <- &PolicyAddResult{
newRev: newRev,
err: nil,
addedRules.UpdateRulesEndpointsCaches(endpointsToBumpRevision, endpointsToRegen, &policySelectionWG)
if newPrefixLengths && !bpfIPCache.BackedByLPM() {
// bpf_host needs to be recompiled whenever CIDR policy changed.
if hostEp := d.endpointManager.GetHostEndpoint(); hostEp != nil {
logger.Debug("CIDR policy has changed; regenerating host endpoint")
// Begin tracking the time taken to deploy newRev to the datapath. The start
// time is from before the locking above, and thus includes all waits and
// processing in this function.
source := ""
if opts != nil {
source = opts.Source
d.endpointManager.CallbackForEndpointsAtPolicyRev(d.ctx, newRev, func(now time.Time) {
duration, _ := safetime.TimeSinceSafe(policyAddStartTime, logger)
// remove prefixes of replaced rules above. Refcounts have been incremented
// above, so any decrements here will be no-ops for CIDRs that are re-added,
// and will trigger deletions for those that are no longer used.
if len(removedPrefixes) > 0 {
logger.WithField("prefixes", removedPrefixes).Debug("Decrementing replaced CIDR refcounts when adding rules")
logger.WithField(logfields.PolicyRevision, newRev).Info("Policy imported via API, recalculating...")
labels := make([]string, 0, len(sourceRules))
for _, r := range sourceRules {
labels = append(labels, r.Labels.GetModel()...)
err = d.SendNotification(monitorAPI.PolicyUpdateMessage(len(sourceRules), labels, newRev))
if err != nil {
logger.WithError(err).WithField(logfields.PolicyRevision, newRev).Warn("Failed to send policy update as monitor notification")
if option.Config.SelectiveRegeneration {
// Only regenerate endpoints which are needed to be regenerated as a
// result of the rule update. The rules which were imported most likely
// do not select all endpoints in the policy repository (and may not
// select any at all). The "reacting" to rule updates enqueues events
// for all endpoints. Once all endpoints have events queued up, this
// function will return.
// With selective regeneration upserting CIDRs to ipcache is performed after
// endpoint regeneration and serialized with the corresponding ipcache deletes via
// the policy reaction queue.
r := &PolicyReactionEvent{
wg: &policySelectionWG,
epsToBumpRevision: endpointsToBumpRevision,
endpointsToRegen: endpointsToRegen,
newRev: newRev,
upsertIdentities: newlyAllocatedIdentities,
ev := eventqueue.NewEvent(r)
// This event may block if the RuleReactionQueue is full. We don't care
// about when it finishes, just that the work it does is done in a serial
// order.
_, err := d.policy.RuleReactionQueue.Enqueue(ev)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).WithField(logfields.PolicyRevision, newRev).Error("enqueue of RuleReactionEvent failed")
} else {
// Regenerate all endpoints unconditionally.
d.TriggerPolicyUpdates(false, "policy rules added")
// TODO: Remove 'enable-selective-regeneration' agent option. Without selective
// regeneration we retain the old behavior of upserting new identities to ipcache
// before endpoint policy maps have been updated.
// 处理ruleReactionQueue队列数据
func (r *PolicyReactionEvent) Handle(res chan interface{}) {
// Wait until we have calculated which endpoints need to be selected
// across multiple goroutines.
reactToRuleUpdates(r.epsToBumpRevision, r.endpointsToRegen, r.newRev, r.upsertIdentities, r.releasePrefixes)
Last updated